RFN Retailers
Location to buy Redfish Nation Gear:
Rio Grand Valley:
LCD956 Bait and Tackle - 600 N 23rd St Ste B, Mcallen, TX 78501
Southernmost Wildlife Products - 731 E. Elizabeth St, Brownsville, TX, 78520
Corpus Christi Area:
Harbor City Bait and Tackle - 526 Bigelow St, Aransas Pass, TX 78336-6101
Coastal Outfitters - AKA Holdem Outdoors - 14241 Northwest Blvd STE 205, Corpus Christi, TX 78410
San Antonio Area:
Bear marine repair -
Outdoor Alphas - 9023 Huebner Rd Ste 107, San Antonio
Fish Tackle and Marine -
Online - www.redfishnation.com